All posts tagged 'architecture'

Managing reactive cocoa observations on UITableViewCells

I was playing with Reactive Cocoa and Swift 2 lately and came upon common UITableViewCell reuse problem that I could solve in very elegant way. I’ll describe the problem and my solution for it in this blog post.

Massive view controller / MVVM

In this post I’ll talk about MVVM - Model, View, View Model - pattern as another solution to massive view controller.

Massive view controller / data source

When I first started developing on Apple’s platforms (around april 2005), I was immediately impressed by strong architectural patterns embedded into core frameworks. It was part of that attention to detail Apple was and still is notorious for. It spreads into everything they do, from hardware, to software as well as SDK under the hood. In this blog post I’ll talk about one of those patterns and more specifically - problems it may bring and how to deal with them.

Hello Swift & optionals

Taking a look at Swift with a bit more details on optionals.

Introducing GBCli

After starting work on appledoc redesign, one of the first things I added was command line parsing. I used trustful DDCli library from Dave Dribin. However I soon discovered it doesn’t work well with arc. That, coupled with different workflow I wanted, prompted me to digg in Dave’s code to see how I could change it to suit my needs better. At the end I ended with writing a command line interface library from scratch.

State of the art state machine

Almost two years ago, I wrote about organization and architecure of my Xcode projects. As all, I also envolved a lot during these few years. If nothing else, I released my first shareware application and I learned a lot from it. In this post, I’ll describe some of the changes to how I architecture my applications.

OpenFeedback w/crash reports

I’ve checked several in-app user feedback frameworks, but found Tyler Hall’s OpenFeedback most usable - the code is very readable and consistent and it’s visually appealing as well. However I’ve been missing crash reporting option, so I’ve decided to roll my own.

Xcode project using CoreData

Recently I’ve come across Justin Williams and Martin Pilkingtons posts describing their solutions about working with Core Data in single-window multiple-view applications.

CoreData, bindings & multiple nibs

Most modern Mac applications are designed around single window / multiple views architecture. Examples are iPhoto, iMovie etc. Although this results in more streamlined user experience, it brings some issues for the developers.

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